The planet of love, beauty, and harmony
- •Loving
- •Artistic
- •Harmonious
- •Sensual
- •Diplomatic
- •Relationships
- •Art
- •Beauty
- •Values
Expression Type
Expresses in both day and night
Natural Ruler Of
Planetary Influence
Influence Type
Love and artistic expression
Key Areas of Influence
- Love and relationships
- Art and beauty
- Values and worth
- Pleasure and harmony
Energy Type
Love and harmonious energy
Active throughout day and night
Practical and grounding nature
Stable and persistent quality
Shapes how you give and receive love
Influences your artistic taste and creative expression
Determines what you find beautiful and attractive
Affects what you value and appreciate
🔄During Retrograde
Relationships and values come under review, past loves may resurface
⚡Areas Affected
Love, relationships, beauty, and finances
Best Hours
First hour after sunrise on Friday
Artistic pursuits, relationship building, and pleasure activities
Aphrodite/Venus - The goddess of love, beauty, and pleasure
Born from sea foam, Aphrodite embodied love and beauty, inspiring passion in gods and mortals
Taurus and Libra - Expresses love and harmony
Pisces 27 - Greatest expression of love
↘️Fall & Detriment
Fall in Virgo, Detriment in Aries/Scorpio
✨Harmonious Aspects
Brings abundance in love and resources
Enhances romantic idealism and artistic inspiration
Deepens emotional connections and beauty appreciation
⚔️Challenging Aspects
Creates tension in relationships and values
Challenges love and self-worth
Disrupts relationships and finances
🌟Special Aspects
Balances feminine and masculine energies
Harmonizes love and communication
🏠Natural House
Rules the 2nd house (values) and 7th house (relationships)
The house where this planet expresses its energy most naturally
🎯Areas of Influence
Most influential in relationships and value-based decisions
👤Physical Influence
Throat, kidneys, and skin
🧠Psychological Traits
Values, aesthetics, and relationship patterns
🎭Behavioral Patterns
Social interactions and artistic expression
⏱️Orbital Period
225 days
Time to complete one orbit around the Sun
🌠Transit Effects
Brings harmony, pleasure, and artistic appreciation to transited houses
🔄Major Cycles
Love and value cycles (584-day cycle between morning/evening star)