
Third House

The house of communication, learning, and siblings

CommunicationLearningSiblingsLocal Travel
House Position & Meaning

Position in Chart


Cadent house - Precedes angular houses

House Influence

Adaptable and transitional influence - Learning and adjustment

Life Areas Influence


Influences your communication style and written expression


Shapes your verbal communication and daily interactions

Early education

Affects your early learning experiences and basic skill development

Short trips

Governs local travel and your immediate environment

House Relationships

Opposite House

9th House - Creates a dynamic axis of Communication and Philosophy

Creates polarity and balance in your chart

Trine Houses

6th and 10th Houses - Supporting Air energy

Form harmonious 120° angles, creating easy flow of energy

⚔️Square Houses

5th and 11th Houses - Challenging Mutable energy

Form challenging 90° angles, promoting growth through tension